The Northeastern University School of Journalism and Comm Studies Dept is hiring an investigative/ data-oriented faculty member. The position is open rank, which means anywhere on the tenure-track to tenured spectrum.
It is part of a cluster hire with Communication Studies and Design that builds on “recent developments in algorithmic accountability, new newsroom technologies and journalism tools, critical information studies, critical data studies, and universal design.”
Information Justice refers to justice-oriented data investigations, data-driven media ecosystems analyses, impactful data-driven & digital storytelling, and community-grounded partnerships.”
The university welcomes a diverse range of applicants whose scholarship, newsroom experiences, design and visual communication practice, journalistic work, and/or public impact work in Information Justice would contribute to their programs in Information Justice in Journalism, Art + Design, or Communication Studies.
Read more about the position here:
If you are interested and want more information, contact Matt Carroll at Northeastern University: