The Journal of Location Based Services has put out a call for papers about location-based data during the COVID-19 pandemic. The articles will be part of a special COVID-19 issue of the journal.
The journal is looking for articles that “provide a contemporary picture on recent research activities related to LBS and location-based data (e.g., mobile phone data, GPS data, social media data and crowd-sourced geographic information) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The deadline for article submission is August 31.
Some of the topics they suggest are:
- Location tracking and people tracing (with smartphones)
- Computational movement and activity analytics
- Analysis of location-based big data
- Privacy-preserving and ethically-aware data analysis
- LBS to support the general public’s daily mobility and activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Dynamic and real-time cartographic visualization and processing
- Social, legal and ethical aspects
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