IowaWatch founder Steve Berry reports that Iowa has established guidelines for teaching climate change to Iowa students that pass no judgement on climate change and instead encourage teaching students to come to their own conclusions.
Iowa Develops Science Teaching Standards With No Climate Change Judgment
The Climate Science Education Initiative guides teachers to let their students come to their own conclusions by letting them study scientific research and data. With this approach, students will see for themselves that climate change is real.
“The Iowa Board of Education approved the standards in August 2015 to establish learning expectations in four scientific domains, and students will learn about climate change in each.”
Rather than be told what causes climate change, the students will look at the results and follow their own inductive reasoning.
“As envisioned in the Climate Science Education Initiative, students would not be told the causes of climate change. Instead, they would learn to raise their own questions and study data in search of answers.”
Read the full story here.