Whole Region
- Institute for Nonprofit News
The Institute for Nonprofit News organizes training events, conferences and workshops across North America and online.
https://learn.inn.org/ (Online Courses)
- Carleton University, Ottawa
The journalism school of Carleton has data and investigative classes.
- University of British Columbia
The UBC Graduate School of Journalism has a “unique, boutique journalism masters program” that features in-depth and investigative journalism classes and projects.
- University of Toronto
Toronto’s Munk School of Journalism organizes a fellowship program that steams specialists in any field, journalists as well as academic, ready to become global beat reporters. Their program features a data reporting class.
- Escuela de Periodismo Carlos Septién García
The journalism school at Carlos Septién Garciá provides courses that teach investigative techniques.
United States
- Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting
While primarily an independent nonprofit newsroom, AZCIR also organizes journalism training.
- Arizona State University
Arizona State has investigative and data courses in their undergraduate and graduate journalism programs. They also have their own investigative newsroom, News21.
- Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego
This Christian Liberal Arts College on the sea has computer-assisted reporting and other journalism courses.
- San Diego State University
The School of Journalism and Media Studies has a Data-Driven Investigative Journalism course available for their graduate and undergraduate programs.
- Stanford University
Stanford Journalism, located in Silicon Valley, is a data-based journalism school that has various investigative and computer-assisted reporting courses and professors. The university also has its own computer journalism lab.
- University of California Berkeley
UC Berkeley has a graduate journalism program with an assorted selection of investigative and data courses. UC Berkely has its own investigative center, the Investigative Reporting Program.
- University of California Santa Cruz
The Science Communication Program at UCSC includes investigative and policy journalism.
- University of Southern California
The USC Annenberg School for Journalism and Education has coding, programming, data and investigative courses.
- University of Florida
UF College of Journalism and Communications has many different journalism subjects including various data and investigative courses.
- Florida International University
The Department of Journalism and Media at FIU features investigative courses.
- Columbia College Chicago
The independent nonprofit Columbia College Chicago features many journalism courses including investigative and CAR/ data journalism.
- Northwestern University
The Medill School of Journalism, Media and Integrated Marketing Communications has investigative and data courses.
- University of Illinois
The University of Illinois has investigative classes and its own investigative newsroom CU-CitizenAccess. It is also the home of IJEC.
- Southern Illinois University
SIU Carbondale’s College of Mass Communication and Media Arts programs include investigative as well as data courses.
- Indiana University
The Media School programs at Indiana University contain investigative and data courses.
- University of Maryland, Merrill College
The Phillip Merrill College of Journalism has an Investigative Focus Master’s program.
“The investigative focus concentration offers courses in investigative journalism, data reporting, national security, cybersecurity, urban affairs and history. The program offers opportunities to travel abroad for research and reporting.”
Merill College Master’s Degrees
- Boston College
At the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences you can find investigative journalism courses.
- Boston University
The College of Communication journalism programs at Boston University include investigative reporting courses.
- University of Massachusetts
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst Journalism Department features investigative and data courses.
- Grand Valley State University
The B.A. and B.S. degrees in multimedia journalism at Grand Valley State feature investigative classes.
- University of Minnesota
The Hubbard School of Journalism has a professional journalism track that includes in-depth and database reporting courses. The university also houses the Minnesota Journalism Center, which organizes events to bring professionals and academics together.
- University of Missouri
The Missouri University Journalism School has different kinds of five and two year investigative and computer-assisted reporting modules.
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The College of Journalism and Mass Communications has classes on depth reporting and data journalism.
New Jersey
- Princeton University
Journalism courses at Princeton University cover various investigative topics.
- Rutgers University
Rutgers’ School of Communication and Information offers investigative and public information courses. Rutgers also offers many data courses outside of its journalism department.
New York
- Columbia University
Together with the Tony Stabile Center, Columbia University School of Journalism offers many investigative paths for students.
“Teaching investigative skills is a core mission of the Journalism School. Many classes in our regular M.S. and M.A. programs incorporate the tools and methods of investigative journalism. M.S. candidates can also apply to The Toni Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism. In addition to the regular M.S. curriculum, Stabile students take an investigative skills class and seminars in investigative reporting.”
Tony Stabile Center Investigative Program
- NYU Journalism Institute
Features data and investigative journalism courses
North Carolina
- University of North Carolina
At UNC’s School of Journalism, there are many courses that cover data journalism.
- Kent State University
Kent State’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication has courses on investigative, data and computer-assisted reporting.
- University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas School of Journalism has investigative and data courses in the undergraduate and graduate programs.
- Virginia Commonwealth University
VCU’s Robertson School of Media and Culture programs include data journalism and advanced reporting courses.
Washington D.C.
- American University, School of Journalism
The School of Journalism at the American University features undergraduate and graduate programs. The school also organized the Investigative Reporting Workshop, which is an investigative newsroom that “pairs experienced professional reporters and editors with graduate students, and co-publishes with mainstream media partners and nonprofit newsrooms.”
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
The School of Journalism and Mass Communication has and undergraduate reporting specializing and a professional M.A. that include data and investigative courses.