International Programs


  • Institute for War and Peace Reporting

“IWPR’s in-depth strategy focuses on training and building a strong network of local journalists. To achieve this, IWPR trainers are selected with local cultural attitudes in mind, and IWPR training materials are all tailored to meet the specific needs in each national or regional media space.

IWPR supports two main forms of skills development: on-the-job training and regular workshops and formal seminars.”

  • International Center for Journalists

The International Center for Journalists organizes various training programs across the world often in collaboration with other journalism-centered initiatives.

  • Interlink Academy

Interlink Academy is an international organization that provides professional training and supports media freedom.

“We develop and organize international exchange and professional training for journalists. Participants in our programs are given the opportunity to become part of a global journalists’ network and improve the tools of their trade as they prepare for the digital future.”

  • International Media Development Advisors

IMD advisors offers many kinds of training, including investigative reporting.

Its mission is to support “freedom of the media and good governance around the world by fostering the development of strong, sustainable, pluralistic, professional and independent news media.”

  • International Research and Exchanges Board, IREX

IREX helps education as well as providing training to encourage independent media and freedom of information.

  • Internews

“Internews works across a wide range of issues in the fast-moving information and media landscape to reach the most information poor and disadvantaged. From fighting propaganda and corruption to combatting extremism, from protecting a free and open internet to media and data literacy, from strengthening governance and health systems to supporting local media.”

They also have online resources for training digital security to journalists.

  • Open Society Foundations

The Open Society Foundations has helped several journalism training programs over the years with the aim of promoting accountability, freedom of information and media freedom.

  • RNTC

RNTC is a Netherlands-based organization that offers investigative journalism courses worldwide.