Latin America & Caribbean Programs


Whole Region

  • Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

IPYS is an organization based in Lima, Peru that encourages freedom of press, independence and provides grants for young journalists across Latin America (CAPI) to train and educate themselves. They also have a guidebook in Spanish available on their website.



  • Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism

“The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo, or ABRAJI) is one of the world’s leading associations of investigative reporters. Now 10 years old with more than 2000 members, ABRAJI has trained thousands of reporters and works to expand freedom of information and protect journalists in Brazil.”

  • Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

The journalism program at this university is very much oriented towards digital newsrooms and has data and investigative courses.



  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Masters in Text Journalism

The Magister en Periodismo Escrito has classes on investigative journalism.

  • Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago

The Journalism Department at UDP currently has an investigative course and has offered data courses in the past.



  • Universidad del Rosario

The undergraduate Journalism and Public Opinion Program prepares journalists to be ready to have a social influence, which includes knowing investigative practices and applying social research to reporting.

University of Rosario, bachelor’s degree

University of Rosario, master’s degree

  • Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

This Colombian university with campuses all over the country offers journalism degrees as well as data training in its continued education courses.

  • Autonomous University of the Carribean

The Universidad Autónoma del Caribe features an undergraduate journalism program where data and investigative courses are taught.

Undergraduate Journalism Degree UAC



  • Señor de Sipán University, Communication Sciences School

This professional school features investigative classes and research into public information access.

Señor de Sipán University, Communication Sciences School